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Become a Sponsor


Support our efforts to promote literacy in North Philadelphia. Reach Out and Read is able to serve more than 24,000 low-income children every year and to continue growing its efforts with the generous help from of our corporate sponsors.

Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors!


Want to become a sponsor?
Select from a Sponsorship Levels Below and Contact us

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ROR Sponsorship Levels

MVP Club

>$10,000 - Helps purchase 3,637 new books 

  • Prominently Displayed Logo on Welcome Banner

  • Prominently Displayed Logo on Team Jersey

  • Prominently Displayed Logo on Apparel

  • Dedicated Booth at the Tournament

  • Prominently Displayed Logo on Website

All Star

>$5,000 - Helps purchase 1,819 new books 

  • Displayed Logo on Welcome Banner

  • Displayed Logo on Team Jersey

  • Shared Booth at the Tournament

  • Displayed Logo on Website

Team Captain

>$2,500 - Helps purchase 909 new books 

  • Displayed Logo on Welcome Banner

  • Shared Booth at the Tournament

  • Displayed Logo on Website

Starting Lineup

>$1,000 - Helps purchase 364 new books 

  • Displayed Logo on Welcome Banner

  • Displayed Logo on Website

Team Member

>$500 - Helps purchase 364 new books 

  • Displayed Logo on Website

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